Gratitude Lately {A New Community and a BABY!}

Well, a few life updates:

I haven’t blogged in a while because we are expecting a baby girl in September! Pregnancy hasn’t been the easiest season, so I have not spent much time blogging. We love her so much already, and we cannot wait to see her tiny face!

William and I moved into the Hobson house- a precious little house next to our church and across the street from our favorite little ice cream nook (Big Spoon Creamery). We are trying to build community and do life with our neighbors, our friends, and those we don’t even know yet! We want anyone to feel welcome here, so please feel free to drop by!


William took a job where he travels about 80% of the time. Marriage on the road is hard. He Face Times me every night and recaps his day and shows me around his hotel. Missing him is sweet, and the reunions are even sweeter.

Friends, this season has been a roller coaster, but community has made it all worth it. I have met so many new friends, and had so many of you join us at our backyard table or on our front porch rocking chairs. I have cried many tears of fatigue and worry about the past, present, and future. But when I trust Jesus with it all, he responds with the gentle reminder that he has it all planned out. First trust, then see Him provide. We are simultaneously excited and terrified to become parents, but I am confident that with our community and our faithful Father, we will be alright.

Thanks to those of you who have filled our home, our front porch, and our lives with so many good memories and conversations in the past few months. Thank you to those of you who were so understanding while morning sickness had me saying “no” to most social functions. Thanks to those of you who prayed with me and for me. Thanks to those of you who didn’t stop inviting us places just because we said “no” so often. YOU are who I am most grateful for!