My Adoption Story

Many of you have asked about my adoption story, so I am finally getting the courage to post it!

I am deeply thankful for my birth mom and my birth dad who entrusted me to the most amazing parents in the world. They are the reason that I have such a beautiful life!

A video from the 2017 ARC stories event for Lifeline Children's Services. Christy Harmon shares her story of her own adoption and how this impacted her life.

Taking Back Tuesdays

Taking Back Tuesdays

For a long time, when someone asked me how I was doing, my typical answer would be “I’m so tired”.  The answer was the same regardless of how much I slept the night before. When I shrugged and spoke these words it wasn’t because I was physically tired (although that was often true) I was life tired.

I was tired of the mundane, the feeling of not moving forward, and the lack of adventure. I was tired of the ever-widening gap between where I thought I would be and where I was currently in life. I was tired of living for the weekend and then not really enjoying it because I knew it would be over too quickly. I was tired of striving and just surviving and the overwhelming sense of being on a hamster wheel- reaching for what I could not attain.

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When Your Year Needs a Restart

When Your Year Needs a Restart

Friends, the first half of this year has evaporated, and we are already racing through June. Some nights I fall asleep wondering if I accomplished anything during the day, feeling like I am in a daze. I don’t want to sleepwalk through life. I don’t want hundreds of days to slip away so that I look back and realize that I rushed to get nowhere.

I want to slow down. I want to intentionally inhale- to deeply take in the fresh air that the Lord breathed into this world. And when I slowly exhale I will breathe out grace towards others out of a thankful heart.

I am pushing the “restart” button in June. What better time is there than the year's half birthday to commit to seeking out laughter, doodling in a notebook, walking outside, and,  cultivating a heart of gratitude by being present in each moment.

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A Letter from Grandma

A Letter from Grandma

Oh Christy, last weekend was such a time of joy!   For your setting a high goal – and then achieving it.   For your good taste in furnishing your apartment.   For your ability to stay sane with so many people milling around in your apartment and in your face.   For getting your hood on right!  

For keeping high morals in the midst of temptations.   For choosing a Bible-believing church, and not just attending it.   For knowing you are HIS.  For making me feel important to your life.

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An Open Letter to my Birthmother at Christmas

An Open Letter to my Birthmother at Christmas

Dear Birth Mama,

I think about you a lot during the holiday season, and when I think about you, a deep seated thankfulness wells up within me. Why? Because you sacrificed so much to give me my family.

When I was five years old, I took my first dance lessons. I was so proud of my tiny pink slippers and walked around on my tiptoes everywhere I went. Before my first recital, I was almost too nervous to go on stage.

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A Rebel Against Grace {My Messy Story}

A Rebel Against Grace {My Messy Story}

Growing up in the church I had enough head knowledge about Christianity to be dangerous.  I would say I was a sinner, and confess just enough to feel good about the fact that I confessed. I had always been taught that Jesus loved me. But somehow, somewhere deep down, I believed that I had to be “good enough”. I believed that I had to earn God’s love.

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From Your Darling Adopted Daughter

From Your Darling Adopted Daughter


When I was a little girl, you used to take me on "road trips" on Saturday mornings. We would pick up dry cleaning, go to a book store, or visit the cobbler. We would usually stop for a treat on the way home or stop by a park so that we could play. You taught me to enjoy the little things in life.

I felt like the most important girl in the world that my daddy wanted to spend time with me.

I still feel that way.

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Living Fully

Living Fully

If you know me, you know that I love coffee.

I love the strong, invigorating smell that energizes my soul when I walk into a coffee shop. I love the way cream swirls and twists into beautiful patterns as my spoon moves through my chestnut colored latte. I love that first sip which flows through my body warming me, comforting me, and giving me the energy to make it through a long day.

But most of all, I love the conversations that are had over that steaming cup in a quaint corner of a coffee shop. Those deep, heart to heart, pouring out of my soul type conversations.

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